Snimljen neverovatan sukob ogromnih morskih zveri: Ovako nešto nikad ranije nije viđeno
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Neverovatan sukob ogromnih morskih zveri – orki ili kitova ubica i kitova ulješura – snimljen je u Bremenovom zalivu, u Australiji. Borba okeanskih titana snimljena je 19. marta, a video okršaja, kakav ranije nije viđen, objavila je organizacija Naturaliste Charters na Fejsbuku.
WORLD EXCLUSIVE 🎞 🦑🐳Last Tuesday’s 19.03.24 full video of the momentous Sperm Whale & Orca event.Documenting the first ever entirely filmed account of these oceanic apex toothed predators battle at the Bremer Canyon & the subsequent raid by the Orcas.With an incredible 6.2 nautical mile (11.5km) pursuit, from the hotspot in 880m before the pod of Sperm Whales finally surfaced to exhale in 80m of water over the continental shelf.Exhausted & distressed the Sperm Whales formed a tight defensive huddle as the Orcas circled & coordinated their underlying motive of the hunt. Sperm Whales will usually demonstrate their immense power & danger to any threat, especially in maternal pods by deploying forceful peduncle & tail slapping. This defensive tactic was displayed on a small scale, swishing their flukes despite being fatigued from the marathon pursuit. With our intimate knowledge & respect of cetaceans, understanding their well being was essential. We quietly moved further away from our holdfast position over 100m, allowing them to recover undisturbed. The Orca had also left the panicked pod, without preying on them for good reason.At Naturaliste Charters we always endeavour to uncover the answers with conclusive proof furthering our understanding, genuine research & data collection.Uncovering the spoils of this raid, the meat recovered in the mouths of the orca potentially could’ve been Giant or Colossal Squid. Stolen from the Sperm Whales jaws or regurgitated in a defensive effort to relinquish a potential attack on themselves. With one Sperm whale also releasing its bowels & defecating, this also is a method to ward of predators by threatened prey.With Killer Whale expeditions running until April 21st, Blue Whales are also migrating through now. These gigantic titans of the deep are set for goliath pelagic clashes between the Bremer Orca over the next few weeks.🎥 All credit of cinematography :@naturalistecharters / Mark Jackman#orca #killerwhale #giantsquid #worldfirst #event #bbcearth #natgeo #natureismetal #featuredwildlife #bremerbay #abcgreatsouthern #australiassouthwest #westernaustralia #naturalistecharters #tourismwaPosted by Naturaliste Charters Bremer Canyon Killer Whale and Pelagic Expeditions on Tuesday, March 26, 2024
- Odjednom se sve promenilo. Orke su ubrzale i poletele pravo ispred nas, u potrazi za nečim velikim. Tuce orki krenulo je na isto mesto ogromnim brzinama. Očekivali smo napad na neku drugu vrstu, a onda su nam vilice pale na pod – bio je to kit ulješura. Šok je bio još veći kada smo shvatili da je kit u društvu još četiri kita, od kojih je bar jedan bio mladunče. Kad smo se približili, delovalo nam je da su ulješure umorne i iscrpljene, sabijene u grupu zadavale su udarce dok su se trudile da uhvate dah. Orke su ih okružile i napadale – navodi se u postu na Fejsbuku i dodaje:
- Dugo se mislilo da ulješure, zbog svoje veličine i snažnih vilica, nisu podložne napadima kitova ubica. Međutim, vremenom je otkriveno da orke umeju da napadnu ženke ili mladunčad, ali ne i mužjake, koji su agresivniji.
Napadnute ženke napravile su kružnu formaciju kako bi branile mladunčad i ranjene. Tada je na površinu izbila crvenkasto-crna materija za koju se pretpostavilo da je krv. Onda su se orke udaljile od ulješura, ali je jedna u ustima imala komad mesa, za koji su pomislili da je deo tela jednog od kitova, ali su onda pretpostavili da je reč o komadu lignje koji su oteli od ulješura.
- Nažalost, misterija tog mesa ostaće misterija. Kasnijom analizom utvrđeno je da je crna materija izmet ulješura, a poznato je da je za njih to odbrambeno sredstvo. Bez obzira na ishod, orke su pokazale svoju silu i lovačke sposobnosti terajući najveće zubate predatore da se brane – navedeno je na Fejsbuk stranici Naturaliste Charters.
(Telegraf Nauka)